World driving you crazy? Maybe you need to grab a letter of intent banner from Julie over at Foursons.
Dear Mother in front of me at the ticket machine
I can see that you think it's very cute to have your Son feed the machine with all the coins from your purse to get a car parking ticket. I however disagree because:
a) It's snowing and I don't have a coat on (yes, I was in a rush this morning!)
b) I only get an hour for lunch and you've taken 10 minutes of that already, could you not help him along?
c) Did I mention it's snowing???
If you could hurry the fu*k along next time I'd appreciate it!!!
Dear Memory
I'm not sure what's happening with you these days but you seem to be losing the plot an awful lot. For instance.....why didn't you remind me that I left my phone on the seat in the car? Did we not learn our lesson when the car was broken into and the Nintendo DS was stolen? Obviously not!!!
I'm only 33 we are far too young to be going down the senile route yet so if you could perk up a bit I would appreciate it!
Dear new payroll system
We have spent many hours together over the last couple of weeks and still we barely understand each other.
I'm not sure if you comprehend exactly how much you cost and really all I want is for you to actually do your job for one goddamn day without crashing or causing me more grey hairs.....mmmm okay?
Ugh, why do some moms think it is OK to make the rest of the world wait while they play with their kid at an adult machine? If no one is waiting in line fine, but otherwise move along quickly please!
ReplyDeleteIf your memory listens please let me know. I need to forward your letter to my memory which is also failing.
Maybe you need to forward your payroll letter to the people who made the software. Could be the answer to your problems!
Thanks for linking up!
That mother-in-front-of-you-at-the-ticket-machine gets about! She was in front of me last week I swear...