Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Old Skool Daze

So, I post cute pictures of my daughter starting year 4 on t'interwebz and y'all are 'she's so cute, but she looks so much like you'! Awwww, I thought to myself..... what lovely comments. Then some smart arse (*ahem* Jen *ahem* ;-)  says 'you should show us pictures of you at school'!!! Hmmmmm.....well it ain't pretty but here goes.... this one is me just before I started school aged 5:

@urban_massage and I are just so good looking...... hmmmmm.....anyways.....  The next lovely picture was taken just after I turned 12 and I was very proudly wearing the Bon Jovi t-shirt my Mum bought me from my first ever concert (many, many years ago!!!)  I'm looking for a good word to explain how attractive I am but there are just no words......

Lol!!!! Hope it made you smile at least ;-)