Saturday, 26 May 2012

Yin and Yang

It's good to have a contrast in life but ours tend to be full on busy and hectic. Most of the time this suits me just fine. I like the hustle and bustle of being busy, visiting friends, running to Brownies and Cello lessons, to my Grandma's and eating out:

I also lurve me some rock 'n' roll....preferably as loud as possible so Guns 'n' Roses are perfect for me:

As soon as the sun starts to shine though, I find that I need some yang to my yin. 

I crave the sea, relaxation, walks in the countryside and spending time with my girl. I really crave the sea. I lived near the sea as a youngster and every so often I get a craving for the salty sea air. I don't miss the busy-ness and the people but the large open spaces, the wind blowing you in every direction and the way looking out at the vast Ocean (or North Sea!!) can put your problems into perspective.

This week we've both been a bit off colour. Not particularly ill, just exhausted, run down and in need of some time. Time to spend with each other, time to relax, time out! On Wednesday I made the executive decision that both Chick and I would take the time and recover before we both got ill. Originally I was thinking about trying to satisfy my craving for the sea but as the nearest is 3 hours away, it isn't really conducive to a relaxing day.

Instead we headed out to the lake. This is the way to relax:

Uncle Nick joined us too:

We paddled, sunbathed, relaxed, ate lunch, meandered around the lake and Chick took pictures:

Then we came home and had a nap!! The right thing to do? Definitely. My daughter has her sparkle back instead of bags under her eyes, which no 9 year old should have.

Today everyone decided that they had things to do which left me home alone. At first I was a little bit put out that no-one wanted to spend Saturday with me but actually I managed to do the washing and clean the house in peace, listen to some music and generally have time for me. Once I got bored of my own company I headed out to the reservoir for an afternoon snack and some sunshine.  It was almost perfect -  the sun shone, the breeze blew, the ice cream was cold and if I closed my eyes I could almost convince myself I could smell the salty air:

I also appear to have my blogging mojo back so obviously the combination of sun and water is very good for me!!