Saturday, 1 December 2012

The Ritz and Christmas Shopping in London

You probably don't remember but waaaay back on Valentines day my gorgeous boyfriend bought me a voucher for champagne and afternoon tea at The Ritz which we finally got around to using yesterday. It's been on my bucket list of things to do for years and I have to say that I wasn't disappointed!! The Ritz is completely amazing......understated, classy and all very civilised and I even managed to behave myself  and not drop anything or knock anything over ;-)

We only managed to get one picture of us together but it's a bit blurry (sack the camera man!!)

After The Ritz we headed off to Hyde Park to visit Winter Wonderland. It's basically a Christmas market with fair rides, a big wheel and a chance to wander around and feel all Christmassy! There is also this really cool sculpture exhibit called The Magic Ice Kingdom. At £8 each it's pretty pricey but it was so cool it was almost worth the money:

In this one The Man and I look like we're in some weird Sci-Fi movie:

Last night we went to see one of my favourite musicals which was as fab as ever:

Today we've been Christmas shopping on Oxford Street and Regent Street where the lights are looking very festive:

What an amazing weekend and how very lucky I am!! What are you up to this weekend?